FeiyuTech AK4500 is another gimble that is going after the title best in the industry. competing next to the DJI Ronin S and Zhiyun Crane 2S, and its not disappointing in this race. this gimble is a great product for beginners and intermediate film makers. the single hand grip fills good on your hand. The back grip handle makes long film shoots go by with less fatigue, and it makes fast swift shots easy to do. Its max payload is 10.14lb(4.6KG) making it very versatile on what kind of gear you can attach to it. it also comes with the Manfrotto or an Arca-Swiss style quick release plate. So you will be able to quicky change youre camara to a trypod and back with little delays keeping youre crfeativity from lossing traction. The fallow focus tends to break and needs to be replace or upgraded for something sturdier in my opinion. The combability of some film cameras has also been an issue for some people. So make sure your cameras compatible and the software will do what you need it to do for your personal work flow. The touch pad makes programing, moving thoug and selecting modes with out the need for an app is berry useful. This FeiyuTech AK4500 also comes with the back handle you can use two handed and control this way, or You can one hand operate the gimbal use the hiperlink remote control with your other hand. You alsow have the option of someone ells operating the remote puling focuse and chainging modes like smothe pan for sexy moth slow seenes or fastaction like sports. the tiltet handle is amasing for those trick shots that make youre videos pop out. down side of this that your grip is realy close to the controls and is easy to bump the controlers making your gimble go were you dont want it by acsident. its some to always keep in mine and aboide gets easier with more use to know were youre grip is perfect. there alot more to this gimble and if you would like totake a look at more spesific and all spects you can fine them at.
FeiyuTech AK4500
Updated: Jun 25, 2022